Shipment No: {{$shipment->number}} {{$shipment->internalNumber}} |
PO Number(s): | {{$shipment->poNumber}} |
Supplier: |
@foreach($shipment->companies as $company) @if($company->pivot->type === 1) {{$company->name}} @break @endif @endforeach |
Consignee: |
@foreach($shipment->companies as $company) @if($company->pivot->type === 2) {{$company->name}} @break @endif @endforeach |
{{ucwords($shipment->description, " ")}} |
Quantity (Kilos) | ||||
Grade / Lot | Cases | Gross | Tare | Net |
@if(!empty($shipment->grades)) @foreach($shipment->grades as $grade) @if($grade->pivot->type === 2) {{$grade->name}} @break @endif @endforeach @endif @if(!empty($shipment->grades)) @if(!empty($shipment->lot)) / @endif {{$shipment->lot}} @endif | @php $cases = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $cases = $cases + count($consignment->cartons) @endphp @endif @if(!empty($consignment->bales)) @php $cases = $cases + count($consignment->bales) @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($cases, 0, '.', ',')}} @endif | @php $gross = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $gross = $gross + $consignment->cartons->sum('gross') @endphp @endif @if(!empty($consignment->bales)) @php $gross = $gross + $consignment->bales->sum('mass') @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($gross, 2, '.', ',')}} @endif | @php $tare = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $tare = $tare + $consignment->cartons->sum('tare') @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($tare, 2, '.', ',')}} @endif | @php $net = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $net = $net + $consignment->cartons->sum('net') @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($net, 2, '.', ',')}} @endif |
Totals | @php $cases = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $cases = $cases + count($consignment->cartons) @endphp @endif @if(!empty($consignment->bales)) @php $cases = $cases + count($consignment->bales) @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($cases, 0, '.', ',')}} @endif | @php $gross = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $gross = $gross + $consignment->cartons->sum('gross') @endphp @endif @if(!empty($consignment->bales)) @php $gross = $gross + $consignment->bales->sum('mass') @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($gross, 2, '.', ',')}} @endif | @php $tare = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $tare = $tare + $consignment->cartons->sum('tare') @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($tare, 2, '.', ',')}} @endif | @php $net = 0 @endphp @if(!empty($shipment->consignments)) @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $net = $net + $consignment->cartons->sum('net') @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($net, 2, '.', ',')}} @endif |
@php $shipper = '' @endphp
@foreach($shipment->companies as $company)
@if($company->pivot->type === 1)
@php $shipper = $company->name @endphp
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
We cannot guarantee that any tobacco is GMO-free. We do, however, have a corporate policy that is designed to make sure that all
{{substr($shipper, 0, strpos(strtolower($shipper), 'po box'))}} subsidiaries produce and/or process only GMO-free tobacco. First and foremost, it is our policy, in all our
regions, to not knowingly grow or process any GMO tobacco. Where we grow tobacco, we do so in areas where no GMO tobacco is
grown and use seeds that are known varieties from reputable producers who certify the seeds are GMO-free. All lots of seeds,
purchased or produced, are tested for GMO presence. Where we purchase tobacco at auction we test samples for GMO presence at
what we believe is a reasonable frequency.
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are genetically modified animals, plants and micro-organisms, which genes are changed in
vitro in a way that cannot be realised by crossing or natural recombination.
@foreach($shipment->companies as $company) @if($company->pivot->type === 1) {{$company->name}} @break @endif @endforeach |