logo->path)) }}" alt="" />
@foreach($client->contacts as $contact) @if($contact->technology->description === 'postbox') {{ $contact->value }} @endif @endforeach
Supplier REX Number: @foreach($client->contacts as $contact) @if($contact->technology->description === 'rexnumber') {{ $contact->value }} @endif @endforeach
Shipment Ref: {{$shipment->instruction}}
@php $consignee = null @endphp @for($i = 0; $i < count($shipment->companies); $i++) @if((int)$shipment->companies[$i]->pivot->type === 2) @php $consignee = $shipment->companies[$i] @endphp @endif @endfor
Description of Goods: @php $desc = '' @endphp @if(strpos($shipment->description, 'PO No') === FALSE) @php $desc = $shipment->description @endphp @else @php $desc = trim(substr($shipment->description, 0, strpos($shipment->description, 'PO No'))) @endphp @endif {{$desc}}
  @if($shipment->poNumber !== null) PO NO: {{$shipment->poNumber}} @endif
  @if($shipment->batch !== null) BATCH #: {{$shipment->batch}} @endif
  @if($shipment->mopiNumber !== null) MOPI No: {{$shipment->mopiNumber}} @endif
  @if($shipment->hsCode !== null) HS CODE: {{$shipment->hsCode}} @endif
  @php $gname = '' @endphp @foreach($shipment->grades as $grade) @if($grade->pivot->type === 2) @php $gname = $grade->name @endphp @endif @endforeach @if($gname !== '') GRADE NAME: {{ $gname }} @endif
Total Net Weight: @php $net = 0 @endphp @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(!empty($consignment->cartons)) @php $net += $consignment->cartons->sum('net') @endphp @endif @if(!empty($consignment->bales)) @php $net += $consignment->bales->sum('mass') @endphp @endif @endforeach {{number_format($net, 2, '.', ',')}}
Grade/Lot: @php $grades = array(); @endphp @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @foreach($consignment->grades as $grade) @if(!in_array($grade->name, $grades)) @php array_push($grades, $grade->name) @endphp @endif @endforeach @endforeach @if(count($grades) > 0) {{ implode(", ", $grades) }} @endif
@php $lines = '' @endphp @php $last = '' @endphp @php $k = 0 @endphp @foreach($shipment->consignments as $consignment) @if(count($consignment->cartons) > 0) @for($i = 0; $i < count($consignment->cartons); $i++) @if($i === 0) @php $last = $consignment->cartons[$i]->shippingNumber @endphp @endif @if($i > 0) @if(($consignment->cartons[$i]->shippingNumber - $consignment->cartons[$i - 1]->shippingNumber) > 1) @php $lines = $lines.", ".$last."-".$consignment->cartons[$i - 1]->shippingNumber @endphp @php $last = $consignment->cartons[$i]->shippingNumber @endphp @endif @endif @php $k += 1 @endphp @endfor @if($last != $consignment->cartons[count($consignment->cartons) - 1]->shippingNumber) @php $lines = $lines.", ".$last."-".$consignment->cartons[count($consignment->cartons) - 1]->shippingNumber @endphp @else @php $lines = $lines.", ".$last @endphp @endif @endif @endforeach @php $lines = trim($lines, ", ") @endphp @if($lines == '') @if(!empty($consignment->bales)) @for($i = 0; $i < count($consignment->bales); $i++) @if($i == 0) @php $last = $consignment->bales[$i]->progno @endphp @endif @if($i > 0) @if(($consignment->bales[$i]->progno - $consignment->bales[$i - 1]->progno) > 1) @php $lines = $lines.", ".$last."-".$consignment->bales[$i - 1]->progno @endphp @php $last = $consignment->bales[$i]->progno @endphp @endif @endif @endfor @if($last != $consignment->bales[count($consignment->bales) - 1]->progno) @php $lines = $lines.", ".$last."-".$consignment->bales[count($consignment->bales) - 1]->progno @endphp @else @php $lines = $lines.", ".$last @endphp @endif @endif @php $lines = trim($lines, ", ") @endphp @endif CARTON RANGE: {{$lines}}

Consignee @if(stripos($consignee->name, 'jt') !== false) per SWB @endif

{{ $consignee->name }}
{{ $consignee->address }}
The exporter (Number of Registered Exporter @foreach($client->contacts as $contact) @if($contact->technology->description === 'rexnumber') {{ $contact->value }} @endif @endforeach ) of the products covered by this document declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of Tanzania preferential origin according to rules of origin of the Generalized System of Preferences of the European Union and that the origin criterion met is "P"
Place of Issuance:                     Morogoro, Tanzania
Date of Issuance:                     @php $date = date('Y/m/d') @endphp {{ Carbon\Carbon::parse($date)->format('d-M-y') }}